You are much more special than you’ve been taught to believe!

You will soon know just how special after applying science for yourself, revealing a secret that has been kept hidden from the public for 500 years. I am sharing this because I believe that everyone has a right to know. I hope that you share it as well.Shortly before he died, renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking left the world a great gift—a gift that remains unopened for most. In 2016, America’s Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) released a 6-part television series entitled “Genius.” PBS collaborated with Hawking to show ordinary people like you and me that we are capable of doing important science if given the proper tools and methods. Scientific experiments were designed and explained by Hawking, and ordinary people were shown to carry out these experiments.Since the Genius series aired and even before, two key experiments from the series have been performed by a growing number of us for ourselves. Our results are not only consistent, repeatable, and conclusive, but astonishing and life-changing.Not including embedded videos, this website will take you about 20 minutes to read through, but I promise that it will change how you see yourself and the world for the rest of your life. I realize that even a one-minute read can feel like drudgery to most people these days, but I think you'll find this information and evidence worth your time. If you're anything like me, it should be one of the biggest revelations of your life.

Before I go on, it would be wise for you to deeply consider and answer the following questions.In your life, how important is the pursuit of truth?If learning the truth would destroy your trust in long-held heroes, in all governments, in all major politicians and elections, in all educational institutions and in all news reported by the media would you still choose to learn it?If knowing the truth would crumble the foundation upon which your current view of reality depends, would you still choose to know it?If it were revealed that for your entire life you had been intentionally deceived, misdirected and conditioned to believe in disempowering lies and even conditioned to repeat those lies in order to perpetuate the deception, misdirection and conditioning, would you still want this truth to be revealed to you?Now would be the time to turn back if the truth is not a major priority in your life. You cannot un-see the evidence that I will be sharing. Although it can be a beautiful, empowering and life-affirming truth, it is also quite shocking at first and takes weeks, months, or even years to integrate for most people.For those of you who truly thirst for the truth, no matter how inconvenient, we will continue on.So you’ve chosen truth regardless of consequence. It’s a brave choice. Welcome!You will soon see that you are much more important than you’ve been led to believe. That is a key feature of this, and with enough people awake and willing, we can free the minds of the population from an invisible prison.So what part does Stephen Hawking play in all of this? Well, it’s hard to know his true intentions for revealing what he revealed in the final episode of the Genius series, but what is so fascinating about that episode is that in one short 15-minute segment, he destroyed not only his entire life’s work but that of many of the most respected figures in the history of science!Einstein, Newton and countless others go down with him.Hawking, PBS and all who worked on that episode, as you will see for yourself, were complicit in falsifying their test results and the video footage for two very important experiments. These two experiments are quite easy to perform and present, so why would they choose to fake the footage and the results?For two reasons.One—authentic results of the two experiments would have revealed the secret about our reality that had been purposely kept hidden from the general population for 500 years.And two—a growing number of us were uncovering this secret, so it was an attempt to dissuade the rest of the public from ever looking further into it. After all, who amongst the general population would think to challenge the conclusions of a revered scientist like Stephen Hawking? Why waste the time doing these experiments ourselves? Hawking’s results are in and shown for everyone to see on the screen, so case closed, right?Well, let’s reopen the case.The doctored footage and scientific fraud will be obvious to you once you see it. I will explain it all in detail shortly, but even more important than the PBS footage is to see the photographic and videographic evidence and results from the many of us who have performed these very experiments for ourselves, and we have a lot of evidence for you to see. On my YouTube channel alone, there are over 100 videos of these experiments being performed by others for you to see—all disproving the Hawking PBS results.I strongly encourage you to perform the experiments for yourself if you have the opportunity. They are simple and inexpensive enough to perform for most people. You are, indeed, a scientist! And there is no substitute for seeing the proof of our reality for yourself. I’ll explain later how to do the experiments, but for now consider yourself a peer reviewer of other citizen scientists’ work. Look at our evidence with an open and curious mind, and come to your own conclusions.As I am confident you will conclude, our results consistently and continually disprove the Hawking PBS results, exposing not only their deception but that of all leaders and authority figures who have deceived and continue to deceive the public for 500 years and counting. Hawking’s and PBS's actions lead to the dismantling of much of currently accepted science. That’s how powerful this is.

Perhaps I should acknowledge the results of the Solomon Asch conformity experiments of the 1950's before assuming that everyone reading this will accept the truth after seeing it with their own eyes. In a series of experiments, Asch showed that the large majority of people will choose to follow the crowd rather than trust their own eyes and intelligence. Are you part of that majority, or are you capable of accepting the truth when you see it for yourself no matter what others believe? Do you appeal to authority and/or majority before believing something, or do you trust your ability to discern what is true and what is not?

As a truth seeker, you remain open to any and all new information. Popular opinion is of little importance to you, because you recognize the transformative power of radical thinking. You remain calm and curious about topics that elicit hair-trigger revulsion in the conditioned masses. You, as a critical thinker, are immune to propaganda designed to manipulate the public.Does this accurately describe you? Let’s be the scientists we are and test it.

What mental, emotional, or physical reactions, if any, do you have to the following statement?“Two plus two equals five.”Does this trigger you at all? Perhaps you recognize this statement from the George Orwell dystopian novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four.” This statement is false, but after reading all that I wrote leading up to it, were you able to suspend judgment, even if only for a moment?Let’s try another one.“The Earth is a rotating sphere.”You know this statement to be true, but does it stir up anything within you? Do you perhaps question my motives for choosing this as an example? And from your life experience what allows you to know for sure that this statement is actually true? Have you tested and confirmed it to be true, or are you trusting it to be true because for your entire life it has been taught and reiterated to be scientific fact? After all, you’ve seen the Earth from space. Well, have you really? Or have you seen images and videos presented to you by space agencies? But you can trust them, right?Okay, just one more statement. How do you react to this one?“The Earth is flat.”This, as you will soon see for yourself, is the only statement of the three that is actually true.Hello?Are you still there?Did I lose you, or are you willing and curious enough to hear me out?If so, that’s impressive, because we have all been carefully conditioned to react very strongly to that statement, and especially within the last decade. Most people will immediately say to themselves or the person suggesting such a thing, “You must be joking, crazy or stupid!”Such a strong reaction is understandable, but as you will see, this is by design.A preponderance of evidence proves that the Earth is indeed a level, non-rotating plane. Are you willing to suspend judgment and actually look at the evidence?And if I can prove to you that the Earth is a level, non-rotating plane, would it even matter? You still have to get up and go to work in the morning, right? These are commonly asked questions.These questions will be answered towards the end, and hopefully you will then understand just how much it matters.I will go into the Hawking/PBS fraud and its implications in detail shortly, but first I want you to know what resources are available to you as a discerning, open-eyed scientist about to perform a peer review of our experiments. I wholeheartedly encourage you to try your very best to disprove our results and conclusions.I have curated 12 playlists that comprise over 400 quality video presentations on the topic in an attempt to separate the wheat from the chaff of what is flooding video platforms like YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble, Odysee and others. Unless you know where to look or have direct links to these videos, you likely won’t find them. Search engines purposely hide them and instead redirect you to misinformation videos that perpetuate the deception.Here are the subtopics covered by the 12 playlists. Links to the playlists are provided if you want to skip straight to the evidence, but I encourage you to read through this website first to get a better understanding of what is presented. These links will be provided again at the end.

• PBS, Hawking and National Geographic Science Manipulation and Fraud

• Long Distance Video Evidence Proving Earth is a Level Plane With No Measurable Curvature

• Experiments Using Gyroscopes Revealing The Earth Does Not Rotate

• Various Other Experiments and Explanations Revealing a Level and Non-Rotating Earth

• Space Agencies Caught in the Act Using Green Screens, CGI, Zero G Planes, Models, Wires, Harnesses, Swimming Pools, Backdrops, and Other Apparent Fraud

• Confessions and Expert Testimonies from Astronauts, Pilots and Military Personnel

• High Altitude Balloon and Rocket Video Evidence of Flat Horizons That Rise to Eye Level

• Frequently Asked Questions, Collections of Multiple Flat Earth Proofs, and Documentaries

• Various Phenomena That We Observe and Experience That Would Be Impossible on a Rotating Spherical Earth

• Expert Sailor Explanations of Circumnavigation on a Flat Earth and How Declination and Time Zones Are Designed to Hide the True Nature of the Earth

• Perspective, Refraction and Other Optical Phenomena Experiments

• Miscellaneous, Interesting, Alternative and Off-Topic Videos

I suggest that you begin with the Hawking PBS playlist which includes an additional deceptive experiment by National Geographic. This playlist contains several videos from different presenters showing essentially the same deceptive tactics, so you don’t have to watch them all. Included in this playlist is a reference video I made showing my official copy of the PBS Genius DVD being played on a television to authenticate the other presenters’ footage.After you feel you’ve watched enough from that playlist, continue to the Long Distance Evidence playlist. There you will see what these experiments, when ethically performed, actually reveal about the Earth. The results of these experiments alone expose the grand collusion to hide our reality from us, yet there is so much more evidence for you to see.After that, feel free to continue with any videos that capture your interest given your current state of mind, and go from there. Take your time. It’s a lot to take in after a lifetime of indoctrination.You can save a lot of time by increasing video playback speed, which is available under the settings gear icon. I don’t expect you to watch all of the videos, but I hope to keep these playlists available as resources for you and others. Many of the brave individuals putting out these videos are censored, shadow-banned or de-platformed, so it’s fortunate that these videos remain available for the time-being.And please forgive any unsavory presenting styles. I don’t like when presenters come across as confrontational or arrogant, but I forgive this because of their passion to share the truth with us. There has been a concerted effort to hide, silence and attack them for revealing the evidence of this important truth.

Let's start your journey of rediscovery. I will now describe in detail the Hawking/PBS and National Geographic deceptions.

In my PBS, Hawking and National Geographic Manipulation playlist you will see that Hawking and PBS performed two experiments for the purpose of measuring local earth curvature. The stated intention of the experiments was to extrapolate these local measurements to determine the entire circumference of the Earth. Both experiments were performed across a lake, since the surface of water always remains level and without significant obstructions.Their deceptive tactics are clear for all to see in the second experiment, but I’ll begin with the first experiment, which was also deceptively performed and presented.The tools for the first experiment were a laser and a boat. A laser placed upon the shore was pointed across the lake towards a boat. When the boat was close to the shore, someone marked the height at which the laser contacted the boat. The boat then went out to a distance of 3 miles away from the shore, and someone again marked the height at which the laser contacted the boat. The height was measured to be 6 feet above the original laser height. This measurement was meant to imply that over a 3-mile distance, the Earth had curved downwards by 6 feet.

As you will see in the Long Distance Evidence playlist, there are many laser tests done by others across bodies of water that all show zero curvature, and over much greater distances. Therefore, PBS had to have pointed the laser slightly upwards just enough so as to give a reading of exactly 6 feet at a 3 mile distance. Their commitment to this 6 feet at 3 miles measurement is actually useful for those of us debunking their results, as I'll explain below.Trigonometry and Pythagorean geometry dictate that given a spherical earth with a radius of 3,959 miles, the Earth would have had to curve downwards by exactly 6 feet at a distance of exactly 3 miles.Online calculators will do the curvature math for you, but if you would like to know how this curvature is calculated, click this button.

Here is a link to an online calculator that quickly does this math for us. It even calculates curvature from different viewing heights as well as how much of a distant landmark's height should be hidden below the Earth's alleged horizon.

Although the 6 foot measurement was falsified by PBS and Hawking, it helps us by validating the trigonometry and geometry that we are using in our own experiments, because it is exactly the measurement we would expect if the Earth actually curved. The second and more obviously falsified experiment further validates it with their curvature drop measurement of 24 feet at 6 miles. This is also exactly what we would expect if there were indeed curvature.For their second experiment, the tools provided were a telescope and a helicopter. This is where the deception becomes plain for you to see.One person remained on the shore with a telescope pointing to the opposite shore 6 miles away. Meanwhile, two others were flown in a helicopter to the opposite shore.With this experiment, Hawking and PBS had the goal of convincing the public that objects disappear beneath a curved, distant horizon. The helicopter was the object that they had to make disappear. The problem? The Earth has no curved horizon to hide the helicopter.So what did they do to hide the helicopter? They performed editing tricks in post-production using two separate video layers. To make the helicopter disappear, they superimposed one video layer that contains the lake over top of a second background video layer that contains the helicopter. But don’t take my word for it. See it for yourself.The helicopter began its vertical descent to land on the opposite shore, and the presented view through the telescope showed the helicopter beginning to disappear behind the water at a height of 24 feet.Take note of the flock of birds that cross the water during the helicopter's descent.(Please try to view these and other images and videos on a computer monitor or television screen. A phone screen may be too small to see all of the detail, although rotating your phone to landscape may help.)

Then for good measure, one minute later, the helicopter lifted off, and the presented view through the telescope showed the helicopter reappearing from behind the water at again a height of 24 feet.Again, take note of the flock of birds crossing the water during the helicopter's ascent.

As I stated above, 24 feet is the curvature drop that we would expect from our calculations from a distance of 6 miles if there were indeed curvature.What you will see, however, is that the very same video clip of the lake in front of the helicopter was superimposed for both landing and lift off. The water shows the very same wave patterns and even the very same flock of birds flying across. The helicopter was placed behind the very same looped lake footage in completely different positions!Those of us who have done the experiments and disproven curvature for ourselves know that they wouldn’t have been able to hide a child’s toy helicopter behind any alleged curvature let alone a real helicopter. If they had simply chosen two different lake video clips to superimpose over the helicopter video layer, it would have been hard for us to convince you that the experiment results were falsified. But the great gift of this production is that PBS got lazy (or maybe purposely left these clues?) and superimposed the very same video clip over both landing and liftoff.Here is one of several YouTube videos revealing the scientific fraud as well as a still shot showing a side-by-side comparison of both the landing and lift-off of the helicopter. On the left, the helicopter had already allegedly lowered out of sight "below the horizon," and on the right the helicopter is allegedly reappearing "above the horizon."Same birds.Same water.

Those of us doing these long-distance experiments for ourselves reveal time and again, and at greater distances than 6 miles, that nothing disappears beneath any purported curvature.For example, using a Nikon P950 ultra-zoom camera I filmed Dewey Beach, Delaware from Cape May Lighthouse Beach in New Jersey 17.3 miles away. This is almost 3 times the distance of the Hawking PBS experiment. The raw video footage is below along with a still shot from the video revealing the entire height of the Dewey Beach water tower and the shore's tree line. The atmospheric conditions on this particular day caused a compression of the view, so the water tower appears slightly squeezed from top to bottom, but at my camera height of no more than 15 feet above sea level, 105.7 feet of height at Dewey Beach should have been hidden beneath the horizon. Yet we can see the entire shoreline. (At 2:25 to 2:35 in the video)

And in the image below I superimposed a water layer over the original image above, similar to what PBS did, to show you how little of Dewey Beach should be visible if Earth curvature actually existed. Only the very top of the water tower should have been visible.

I also took video footage with a Nikon P900 full-spectrum-converted camera of Atlantic City, NJ from 32 miles away in North Wildwood, NJ. This is over 5 times the distance of the Hawking PBS experiment. Here is the footage along with a still shot from the video and another image showing what should have been hidden if the Earth had curvature.

From my camera height of 36 inches, nothing but the top 120 feet of Ocean Casino should have been visible. 595 feet should have been hidden below the alleged horizon, yet we can see the entire height of Ocean Casino and the buildings in front of it. Note the mirroring effect upon the surface revealing a reflection of the buildings. This is a common phenomenon even at close distances. You may have noticed it on the road in front of you while driving. The following image is a good example of it.

You will see that several others have done experiments at greater distances than I have—hundreds of miles away in some cases!

So the answer to... “Why would they choose to fake it?”The reason is simple—there is no curvature to the Earth.And if there is no curvature, then the Earth is not a sphere but a level plane. And if the Earth is a level plane, then all of the science, mind control and human oppression that depend upon a sphere spinning through an endless void of space fall apart. And people wake up.Did you know that NASA's yearly budget is 25 billion dollars? This means that NASA steals 69 million dollars from the American taxpayers every single day for no other purpose than to deceive them and the rest of the world.Now that’s a statement worth reacting to.The PBS production was pretty slick and high budget, so there is no excuse for them needing to fake it for any other reason than public deception. A lot of effort went into faking this presentation.Another TV show trying to convince the public of Earth curvature was released by National Geographic. A video showing their deceptive tactics is in the playlist as well. Their experiment sends a boat into the distance carrying a grid of horizontal lines. Observers on the shore watch as the lowest lines on the grid disappear from the bottom up (an optical illusion explained in detail in the optical phenomena video playlist) stating that this is proof of the boat going over the curved horizon of the Earth. What they neglect to acknowledge is that the horizon of water is clearly visible, for all with open eyes and minds to see, higher up and well beyond the boat!

This is quite obvious to those of us who know how to look for these clues, but not so obvious to the general public. They will likely be convinced by the presentation and never look any further into the subject.If you want to do the experiment for yourself, you really only need a good location and a decent pair of binoculars, a telescope or a camera with a good optical zoom. A tripod can also be helpful for stabilization. In some cases, even the naked eye and the earth curve calculator are all you need. Do you live close enough to a large expanse of water at least 5 miles across? Perhaps a large lake, a bay or an ocean where you can view a landmark on an opposite shore? Optionally, a friend can hold and flash a strong laser or a mirror reflecting the sun’s light.As you will see in the Perspective, Refraction and Other Optical Phenomena playlist, atmospheric conditions can affect visibility, so choose a clear visibility day. Cool days are usually better than hot days. Once you know the line-of-sight distance between the observer and target locations using the measuring tool on Google Earth or another map, enter that and the observer eye height from water level into the Earth curve calculator to determine how much height of the distant target should be hidden from view.I encourage you to give it a go. There's no substitute for seeing the results of your own science done out in the wild.

I hope that you will come to understand the profound implications of this evidence and what it reveals about our home and all who live upon it. Most if not all of your questions about how things work on a flat Earth will be addressed in the videos, but here are some bullet points that come to mind. I realize how difficult it is to remain open-minded to these possibilities at first glance, but based upon the mountain of evidence that you will see, I propose the following for your consideration.• Earth is a level plane.• Earth is not rotating.• Earth is a closed system.• Earth is not a planet.• Outer space does not exist.• The sun and the moon are roughly the same size, small at about 32 miles in diameter, nearby at only 3,000 to 4,000 miles above the Earth, and predictably move in expanding and contracting circles above us.• The moon does not reflect the sun’s warm light but radiates its own cool temperature light.• All of the stars and the wandering stars (planets) are also nearby and moving along predictable paths above our heads within the Earth’s closed system.• Since there is no outer space, no space craft or satellite has ever gone into outer space or into orbit, and all countries with space agencies conspire together to deceive the world population—even countries that are supposed to be enemies of one another.• Since there is no outer space, aliens from outer space cannot exist.• Gravity does not exist. The downward vector of objects seemingly drawn to the Earth can be fully explained by other forces.• There was no big bang, and there is no vast and ever-expanding universe. Given the unfathomable complexities of nature and existence, the Earth and all of us who live upon it must therefore be creations, not evolutions.• You were taught to see yourself and the Earth as immeasurably small and insignificant relative to an infinite universe. In reality, the Earth being the entire universe makes you exceedingly rare and infinitely grand by comparison. You are at the center of creation.
And this is why I tell you…

You are much more special than you’ve been taught to believe!

Flat Earth is the entrance to a very deep rabbit hole. Science proving creation is a revelation, but there's more to learn. Our current society is possibly more dystopian than an Orwell or Huxley novel. You can learn about who currently owns and controls the world in the Miscellaneous, Interesting, Alternative and Off-Topic playlist.

I don't want to overstay my welcome, so I think I'll leave it at that for now. Answers to a couple of the most common questions are on the next page.

I'm sure you'll have a lot of questions. And maybe you already have them? If they’re anything like the following frequently asked questions, they and many others are answered in Eric Dubay’s book and free video “Flat Earth FAQ.” You’ll find the video under my FAQ, Collections and Documentaries playlist. It's a very long video, but in the video description are clickable timestamps for each question that take you directly to that question's answer.The science is explained in detail in the FAQ video and in other videos, but perhaps you're not inclined to look into the subject any further because you don't think it affects your life or it sounds impossible that such a massive conspiracy could occur and remain hidden for so long. Are your questions along the lines of...• Why would anyone lie about the shape of the Earth?• Why are there no flat Earth whistleblowers?• How is it possible that not one of the hundreds of thousands of people that NASA has employed over the decades has come forward and admitted the hoax?• What about the Russians, the Chinese, the Japanese and all other government space agencies along with SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin and other corporate space enterprises? If Earth is not a globe and we never went to the moon, why haven’t these governments or corporations tattletaled on each other and exposed this massive lie to the masses?•So what if the Earth is flat? What difference does it make to my life? I still have to get up and go to work in your morning, so why should I care?

Although Dubay answers these questions in full, I'd like to share a couple of quotes from Flat Earth FAQ that at least partially answer them.In regard to anyone's doubts as to why they would do this to the public or how they could get away with it, please consider that this puts the cart before the horse. The why's and how's are good questions, but they are secondary to the evidence of it being done.

"...asking why the world's governments would lie without first doing your due diligence in researching the endless evidence and experiments proving that they most certainly are lying, is like coming upon a bloody homicidal crime scene with your eyes closed and refusing to believe it happened because you cannot fathom the perpetrator's motive, and until someone offers up a reason suitable to your subjective sensibilities, only then might you open your eyes and investigate the obvious murder."

And as for the question of what difference it makes:

"When children are indoctrinated from an early age to abandon the evidence of their senses in favor of this nonsensical globe model, a schism occurs in their psyche where they are no longer able to trust their own senses and experience, and instead must trust information completely contrary to it presented by perceived authority figures. This is incredibly deceitful and disempowering to the individual to teach such a singular false cosmology, and the result is humanity has become just like the slaves in Plato’s allegory of the cave.Once a child is convinced that they cannot trust the evidence of their senses, they become forever thereafter chained inside Plato’s cave. Unable to see the outside world as it actually is, the child is condemned to a life of watching shadows cast on the wall by Plato’s puppet-masters. Teaching this false nihilistic, materialistic cosmology as absolute truth is psychologically traumatizing and spiritually devastating causing believers to lose faith in anything beyond the material world. The result is a cultish following of Scientism, the veritable new world religion, complete with a creation and destruction story, prophets and prophecies, yet without any purpose or higher power. So-called “scientists” have become the new priestly class with educations and explanations supposedly so advanced that us neophytes have no choice but to blindly believe them. This then becomes fertile ground for further deceptions as people uprooted from their true foundations and given false bearings can be led anywhere.So, why does the shape of the Earth matter? Again, it’s not about the shape, it’s about the lie. The fact that humanity has been completely deceived for the better part of five centuries regarding something so fundamental and foundational as where we live and where we came from makes the heliocentric globe model the greatest and most successful hoax in human history. To fool nearly the entirety of humanity for multiple generations stripping people of their common sense and replacing it with carefully crafted lies is obviously a matter of serious importance. It is one of the most psychologically devastating things that could be perpetrated upon an individual, and seeing through it should be one of the most revealing revelations of a lifetime. So, when someone asks... what difference does it make, that is already evidence of extreme psychological distortion. If knowing the truth doesn’t matter to your life, what does that say about your life?Flat Earth is an epic epiphany that changes many people to their core by adding a spiritual dimension to their lives, affirming their common sense, developing their critical thinking skills, curing their existential apathy, alleviating many fabricated fears, and reigniting a spirit of discovery and adventure. In this way, the flat Earth revelation is holistically helpful and truly transformational for many on an individual level. Even more importantly, however, is if humanity succeeds in fully exposing this egregious lie and finally routing out the liars, the beneficial ripple effect it will have throughout society is massive. When the spinning space-ball Earth is finally exposed worldwide for the 500 year deception it was, humanity will suddenly be faced with the reality that every government, every space agency, university, religious organization, mainstream and alternative media outlet have all been duplicitous in propping up a monstrous manipulation to fleece and control the masses. Once these fundamental truths are exposed, these lying politicians, spokesmen, reporters and teachers suddenly transform from being heralded voices of authority to being ridiculed, shunned and denounced as they deserve. Once these foundational facts are realized, these governments, universities, media outlets and other entangled organizations which have long been hard at work weaving this multi-generational heliocentric myth, suddenly and completely lose all credibility. The resulting mass mental exodus away from the control system is exactly what is needed.Furthermore, once our true cosmology is revealed, so too is the truth of these few elite families and secret societies who have kept this most important reality hidden from us for these hundreds of years. Essentially, once the flat Earth conspiracy is exposed, so is every other important conspiracy by proxy, because this so-called “mother of all conspiracies” holds under its umbrella so many fundamental and foundational facts and fully reveals them. In this way, flat Earth is like the Achilles’ Heel of the New World Order. This subject, supposedly the most crackpot of all conspiracy theories, mocked and ridiculed for centuries as being an ignorant unscientific worldview, is actually one of the most easily demonstrable and empirically evidenced facts of reality. When humanity finally wakes up to the truth of our flat Earth, it will usher in a veritable new age of enlightenment, a renaissance of common sense, and an opportunity to finally and forever expose and expunge these deceivers among us."

I hope this at least begins to answer your questions. I'm sure you'll have many more, and that's a good thing. We encourage you to ask and test and keep asking and testing. Questioning and skepticism is what science should be encouraging, not blind faith. No question should be off limits.Ethical, open-minded scientists like you are what the world needs. Just imagine what 500 years of progress would have looked like if the efforts of scientists had only been steered towards reality rather than away from it.It is time to shine our bright lights on science. It has been fumbling in the dark for too long.Again, take your time. I hope you enjoy rediscovering our world, and in doing so, rediscovering yourself and your importance in our world.Here’s to the truth. May it always find us!


PBS, Hawking and National Geographic Manipulation

Long Distance Evidence

Perspective, Refraction and Other Optical Phenomena

Experiments and Explanations

Gyroscope Evidence of No Rotation

High Altitude Evidence

FAQ, Collections and Documentaries

Space Agencies and Other Apparent Fraud

Confessions and Expert Testimonies

Rotating Sphere Impossibilities

Circumnavigation, Declination and Time Zones

Miscellaneous, Interesting, Alternative and Off-Topic

My YouTube Channel "CuriousGeo"

Please share this website and the videos with everyone that you feel will remain calm and open to learning about this. Feel free to copy the playlists and duplicate/mirror this website.
Thank you!

Although there is a calculator that does this math for you, here is a formula if you are interested in doing your own math to determine how much curvature drop in inches there should be at any given distance—i.e., how much of an object's height should be hidden from view behind an alleged curved horizon:Curvature in Inches = The Square of the Distance in Miles multiplied by 8.Examples:The curvature at a distance of 2 miles would be:
2 x 2 x 8 = 32 inches
At a distance of 3 miles:
3 x 3 x 8 = 72 inches or 6 feet
At a distance of 6 miles:
6 x 6 x 8 = 288 inches or 24 feet
At a distance of 20 miles:
20 x 20 x 8 = 3,200 inches or 267 feet

And here is a quick reference showing curvature drop for common distances.